The most memorable presidential debates in US history

Today is the first 2024 US presidential debate

Stars Insider

27/06/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Us politics

America is getting ready to vote again in November, but before the election a series of presidential debates are set to take place where White House incumbent Joe Biden will face off with former president Donald Trump in front of a television audience numbering millions.

The debates serve as the candidates' chance to discuss the leading questions of the day and to present their stances on the most important domestic and global issues. But in seeking to hold the nation's top office by fielding questions on a range of topics, taking part in a US presidential debate also provides an opportunity for a candidate to make some colossal gaffes, mistakes that could in fact cost them the very position they're aiming for. And it has happened before.

Curious? Click through and revisit some of the blunders and errors made by previous candidates during US presidential debates.

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